Press B To Cancel

Press B 57: Final Fantasy Revue

Final Fantasy? Again? Really, guys? Yes. We just like these games a lot, and most of us got used to the series at different points. Today, GP brings up the original 7 titles after streaming himself playing them in order, and talking a little more in detail about what we all love about each game.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 56: Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage. A seminal beat em up franchise that many of us have played, and often, many times. After replaying some of the originals, the latest release has been enough to get nostalgia going about Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding, and the impressive entourage they seem to attract!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 55: Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley. Harvest moon fan game? Farmville but actually good? The guys talk about Palsh109's latest binging session with Stardew Valley, one of the most popular indie game titles to date, and all from growing turnips to marrying anyone in sight!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 54: 2 Crass 2 Curious

Racing games, battle driving games, public transportation, whatever you have played, and whether or not you consider yourself a fan, you probably have a lot of experience over the years with anything behind the video game wheels. Today, 3/4 of the Press B Boys get surprised on how many fond memories they have of games that are car-centric!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 53: Blaster Master

Blaster Master, often known as Master Blaster, much to WareWulff's chagrin, is actually one of his favorite games to gush about. Palsh109 was interested in the first after he realized how many were in this series, and WareWulff is more than happy to talk about this NES classic in great detail!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 52: Spiritual Successors

Spiritual Successors: video game spinoffs, sequels, homages, sequels, or whatever you like to call them, have had many elements in honor of older games, and are constantly influencing future games. Today, the council talks of their initial dabbles with what could be considered a spiritual successor, and also touch on some more recent titles that were noteworthy to them.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 51: Oregon Trail

Oregon Trail. You've probably played it at some point, and most likely gotten dysentery along the way! SicJake and GP from TheRetroTherapy wax nostalgic about this classic edutainment game from many childhoods, and how it was one of the few titles that you would often find in schools and actually play again at home.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 50: Mr Emulator 2020

Video game emulation: whether it's original consoles, rereleased collections, or the popular Retro Achievements, emulation is always a hot topic for many a gamer, especially fans of the retro scene. Today, the podcast council discusses some of the ins and outs of emulation in general, touching on how we experience different video games, and the pros and cons of each, and SicJake definitely hits his stride with his hardware knowledge!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 49: Mario 3D All Sturrs

Super Mario 3D All Stars. You have seen the hype, but is it all it's cracked up to be? The hosts talk about Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, And Super Mario Galaxy, all in how well (or not well) this ported collection goes for the Nintendo Switch.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 48: Teenage Mutant Ninja Tangents

Ninja Turtles? Maybe Hero Turtles? Well, either way we have you covered! GP helms our episode on a beloved NES classic and franchise. We all chime in with some of our favorite childhood ninja and/or turtle experiences.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

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