Press B To Cancel

Press B 248: Planes, Creepy Trains, and Pirate Ships?

Strap in for another ride as we're back to chat about vehicle based games! From helming a pirate ship in Sea of Thieves to the great blue in Crimson skies and maybe a few indie titles including one creepy freaking train. We're taking another lap, and we choo choo choose you to come along.

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

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Press B 247: Monster Hunter Wilds Is NOT Easy

Press B to Cancel, your favorite retro gaming podcast, dives into the totally retro game released two weeks ago: Monster Hunter Wilds. Capcom delivers yet another GOTY contender with this latest entry in their beloved franchise. Chard and Jake share their thoughts and break down the various criticisms the game has faced since launch and whether 8 million+ people can be wrong.

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

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Press B 246: Trent "NIN" Reznor

Chardmonk and Sinistar talk about one of their favorite artists, if not their favorite. They have a shared love for all things Trent Reznor/Nine Inch Nails. They even love their favorite cover song, "Hurt"!

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

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Press B 245: Planes, Trains, and... Space Ships?

Buckle up for a ride as we chat about vehicle based games! From the cockpit of Wing Commander to the open roads of Burnout Paradise and the retro thrills of Rad Racer. We’re taking a tour of games that put you in the driver (or bicycle?) seat.

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

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Press B 244: Pokemon TCG Pocket In 2025?

60 million downloads and counting! This week, Wulff and Jake crack open Pokémon TCG Pocket, the digital twist on the legendary card game. After sleeping on this 2024 mobile release, we're finally diving in; comparing it to the physical version, breaking down the new Spacetime Smackdown expansion, and lamenting the cursed Celebi meta. Also does the new trading system sorta ... suck?

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Find out more at

Press B 243: Boxed In! Single Screen Games!

This week, we’re diving into boxed-in games, classics that play out entirely on a single screen. From the arcade chaos of Pac-Man and Donkey Kong to the strategic platforming of Lode Runner and Bubble Bobble. Don't scroll past these classic games!

You can also watch this episode with our faces and gameplay on our YouTube at:

For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Find out more at

Press B 242: Chard's Bottom 5

A tradition long over due, this week Sinistar and Jake ask Chard what are five of his least favorite video games of all time. Chard's bottom 5! It can't all be Final Fantasy he hates right?

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Find out more at

Press B 241: In God Mode We Trust

Cheating in games: guilty pleasure or the ultimate game night hack? In this episode, we’re breaking the rules, literally as we explore games that become even more fun when you ditch the rulebook. Whether it’s unlimited cash, god mode, or inventing your own way to play, we’ll uncover which games thrive on cheats and why bending the rules can sometimes make for the best experience.

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Find out more at

Press B 240: Switch 2: Worth The wait?

With all the newest gaming handhelds on the market, what will make the newly announced Switch 2 worth the price? Is it innovation, the exclusive games, or just the Nintendo name? We break down our reasons why we believe the Switch 2 might be a success or could end up in the Virtual Boy trash heap.

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Find out more at

Press B 239: Tentacle Grab Bag

This week, it’s the category The Game Awards was too afraid to include; Best Tentacles in Gaming! That’s right, from experimental science labs to creatures lurking in murky waters, we’re here to celebrate our favorite games featuring... tentacles. Only the finest in family-friendly content here at Press B to Cancel!

Special thanks to Dave for joining us this week, please check out his podcast Remember 64 as well @remember-64 on YouTube.

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Find out more at

Press B 238: Game Of The Year 2024

The holiday season is full of traditions; and here at Press B it's time for our annual Game Of The Year celebration! Move over Grandma's dry boxed stuffing, it's time to talk about 2024's very finest in video games! It can't all be Elden Ring THIS...time?

Press B To Cancel now on YouTube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel

Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network; a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Find out more at

Copyright 2024 Press B To Cancel