Press B To Cancel

Press B 67: SicJake's SicTopFive

The dynamic between the hosts of Press B To Cancel is due in part to SicJake, who normally embraces his salty, curmudgeon ways and complaining about games he loves. But Jake has a soft spot for plenty of games, and Palsh wanted to hear him gush about 5 of his absolute favorite games of all time... and get to troll Jake while he was at it!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 66: Sonic ROMhacks

Sonic The Hedgehog: many people have been hardcore fans of the blazing ball of blue, enough that there is a plethora of romhacks for the earlier titles. The boys all chose different romhacks to try out and compare to the originals in this episode discussion!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 65: Worst of the Best Pt. 1

We all have our favorite games. But even the games we love the most aren't free of some things that take them from 11/10 down to 9.9/10. Today, GP from TheRetroTherapy and WareWulff discuss some of their favorites and their least favorite aspects of them, despite still being some of their go-to games!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 64: Cyberpunk 2077 First Impressions

Science fiction? Dystopian future? 80's retro meets future tech? Whatever it is, Cyberpunk 2077 has it all, including story, gameplay, and bugs galore! Today, SicJake and WareWulff sit down and talk with a big fan of the game, sinistar77, and talk about their first impressions about a much anticipated and equally unfinished game release!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 63: Within (Rory Wood)

Film. Something many of us video game fans are also huge fans of. We normally base much of our nostalgia on the films we consumed the same as video games. So in this very special episode of Press B To Cancel, we interview a friend, Rory Wood (some of you may know him as ChannelThreeLive), who is releasing his own short horror film, and gets WareWulff and SicJake inspired, as well as excited for the final cut!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 62: Contra

Contra. Probotector. No matter which you played, its a staple in the NES experience. Konami code? Have you beaten it? Palsh talks with GP about his love for the classic NES title and sees how many times he can beat the game while recording the podcast episode!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 61: Game of the Year 2020

Well, it's that time of year again, and the boys talk about their choices of Game of the Year for 2020... only their rules are what games are new to THEM and doesn't have to be from 2020... yeah, that's how they roll. Also, the runners up (almost) make the cut, and the guys surprise each other... kinda?

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 60: Final Fight LNS Ultimate with Dave

Final Fight is a series that has a kind of cult following, and apparently Jake and Palsh aren't the only ones who had some experience with it growing up. We invited Dave from the TADPOG podcast to join us and give the others a break, and also to talk about a game he wanted to talk about, instead of relying on THE RANDOMIZER. We got to talk some serious fan affection with the dev of this game as well as touch on a few others while we were lucky enough to have him with us.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 59: Hades (Supergiant Games)

Hades, lord of the underworld in Greek mythos, is brought to life by this indie dev Supergiant Games, and has snagged the interest of our very own SicJake. WareWulff has been on the fence about trying this game, and Jake has taken it upon himself to convince him to give it a shot. Come listen in about this title out of early access and catching some major attention lately.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 58: Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter

Mortal Kombat. Street Fighter. Ryu? Liu Kang? Sub-zero? Chun Li? Three of the boys from discuss their experiences between the two franchises, talking about their favorite characters, and why or why not the naming systems worked for or against the franchises.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.

Copyright 2024 Press B To Cancel