Press B To Cancel

Press B 127: Is this the scariest video game ever?

Visage is an indie horror title. Jake hasn't played it, but since he's writing the episode summary he'll just say he's heard many on the Press B team love it, also it's October so screw it; it's on brand. Someone please write a better episode summary, otherwise we're sorry YouTube, so sorry.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 126: Whose Sky is it Anyway?

Six years later and No Man's Sky is better than it's ever been. A turbulent start couldn't stop this game from shooting for the stars and succeeding. The crew talk about how the game has changed, earned a second wind, and even just launched on the Nintendo Switch.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 125: Funny Moments in Gaming

This week the crew sits down to stories of funny moments in gaming, from laugh out loud to guilty dark humor.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 124: Gamestember 2022

The future is neigh! We sit down and chat about the coming titles that we are most excited about. From Horror third-person views, too elder Fathers of War, the team gets in to what they are excited about and why!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 123: Don't wanna judge but... Silver Surfer (NES)

On Press B we've spoken about "NES Hard" and what games fall into that tier, but this week we dive into the black abyss and discuss one of THE hardest games on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Released in 1990, Silver Surfer may make questionable use of this comic heroes powers, but is it fun?

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 122: The Internet Made Me Play It!

So you've beaten a game that really had you. You've done all the things and are otherwise out of game. What do you do? Reach out to the internet and ask it to suggest what you should play next, of course! In this episode, we take a look at what recommends we play, and the results are enlightening!

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 121: The Original Super Mario Bros.

The grandfather of an entire genre that sealed the legacy of the NES. The original classic adored the world over. We've discussed the sequels, the rip offs, and the clones, but this week Press B dives into the original platforming LSD trip. Super Mario Bros.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 120: The Underated Atari Lynx

While the Gameboy was slinging spinach and mustard screens to top the charts, the Atari Lynx brought full color to the handheld market. With a small, but surprisingly quality library you don't want to miss out on. This week Press B looks at a bit of the history of the Atari Lynx and games Wulff grew up with.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 119: Tunic and the Rabbit Hole

Don't let one of the greatest games of the year pass you by! Tunic is an indie darling years in the making. At first glance it's easy to dismiss this Zelda inspired adventure, but beneath the Soulslike combat there is a meta puzzle so good, you'll regret missing out. This week Press B goes down the Tunic rabbit hole, and man does it ever go deep!

For the video stream of this week's episode check out our YouTube Channel!

For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Press B 118: Box Art Blues

Never a judge a book by it's cover, but a video game? Often retro box art comes with questionable interpretations of the gameplay within. This week Press B shares some box art blues stories with games that were disappointingly not what the box lead you to believe.

Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.

Special thanks to The Last Ancient on SoundCloud for our podcast theme.

Copyright 2024 Press B To Cancel