3 years ago
Press B 92: NES Platformers Showdown
Twenty-four games vie for the coveted title "Greatest Platformer on the NES." Of course, only one can win, and it will almost certainly fall under the platforming genre. Will it be Mario, Milon, Mega Man, or Circus Cornelius?! You'll just have to listen to find out in this special anniversary "GIANT SIZE" episode!
This week's episode marks the two year anniversary of Press B. Tell your friends! We're officially a toddler! We thank you all so much for your continued support and interest.
Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website www.pressbtocancel.com, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.
Special thanks to Arthur The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.