3 years ago
Press B 103: Battletoads
There are a handful of titles on the NES that come with a level of street cred. Rites of passage to those that dare play the most challenging of games. The Dark Queen has taken down many Nintendo fans and Press B is not spared causalities, but some have fought the fight and beaten this game, today we talk Battletoads
Special thanks to Chardmonk for joining this weeks episode; please give them a follow and check them out on www.twitch.tv/Chardmonk for all your Final Fantasy 8 coverage. XOXO
Press B To Cancel now on Youtube! For updates and more episodes please visit our website www.pressbtocancel.com, or find us on Twitter @pressbtocancel and Instagram @pressbtocancel.
Special thanks to The Last Ancient on soundcloud for our podcast theme.